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24 hours



Online Self-paced





Payment Options: 

Due in full upon enrollment


Cognitive Behavioral Addiction Counseling Seminar
Length: 24 Hours Cost: $1,500


Admission Requirements: Licensed Counselor Interns, Licensed Social Worker, Licensed Professional Counselor


Textbook:  CBT+DBT+ACT: 7 Books By Emily Torres


Course Objectives
In this intensive online CBT seminar course, you’ll be provided with a proven set of clinical tools and skills that can enhance your practice – from the basic CBT you might have learned early in your career to more advanced CBT techniques applied to a substance use disorders. CBT techniques can sometimes seem deceptively simple to apply but in actual clinical practice it requires demonstrable skills in three areas.  This course will teach you how to master the skill of:
   â€¢    Conceptualizing client’s presenting problems from a CBT perspective,
   â€¢    Selecting appropriate interventions consistent with the case formulation, and
   â€¢    Delivering these interventions and techniques systematically and with maximum effectiveness.

Course Format
This a 24-hour seminar is available in a distance learning format, containing both asynchronous-learning at your own pace and synchronous virtual instruction.  The instructor-led synchronous virtual instruction is 1:1 instruction and is scheduled with the student upon successful completion of the asynchronous portion of the course.


Online Instruction (16 hours): Before your individual instruction, you must complete an online curriculum, which includes an introduction to verbal de-escalation and nonviolent crisis intervention as well as valuable train-the-trainer review content. You will review course content, dig deeper into Cognitive Behavioral Crisis Intervention modules, and learn important facilitation strategies to maximize your training.


Live Synchronous Virtual Class Instruction (8 hours): Upon completion of you online course, you will participate in class with other counselors.  This will be scheduled via video conferencing.  During this session you will have an opportunity to clarify any content.  Participate in small and large group role plays (using breakout session) conduct a class demonstration of your specific focus.


Optional Additional Instruction (1 hour): After your class training, you can schedule an individualized mentoring session with the director.


Upon completion of the online course, the live virtual training, and the online exam, you will be certified deliver advance CBT interventions in addiction treatment settings.  We may offer updates or refreshers occasionally; these will be at no cost to you

Online Course Topics

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Polyvagal Theory and the Vagus Nerve

  • Somatic Psychotherapy


Virtual Class Topics       

  • What’s your CBT Jam?  Good fit for your skill level and temperament.

  • Assessment, treatment planning and CBT

  • Role play of each CBT intervention

  • Breakout sessions and coaching

  • Classroom demonstration


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